Wednesday, 29 March 2017

Day 3 - First Rehearsals

 Today was a day of singing.  This morning we had a wonderful time singing at the National School of the Arts.  This is a boarding school of student musicians who come from around the country to study music and visual arts.  It’s a large and beautiful campus.  While we were there we heard every manner of instrument being practised through the campus.  We were able to meet and sing for their choir of 16 singers.  They are considered one of the best choirs in the country and are nationally recognized for their music.  We performed really well, and then it was our turn to listen to them.  What a beautiful and clean sound!  They performed their traditional Cuban music for us, complete with salsa rhythms.  Rhythm and movement come so easily for them.  It was a great experience for us!

After lunch it was time to have an exchange with a small children’s choir.  We spend most of the time learning combined pieces that we’ll perform together at our concert on Wednesday.  Michael did a bang-up job of teaching “In Paradiso” to the kids, and we learned a beautiful Cuban piece as well.

After this we headed to one of the cultural houses of the country.  Each municipality of the area has a “cultural house” where you can take music or dance lessons – especially the kids.  We performed a couple numbers, and then were treated to an incredible dance recital by all their young students.  We were in the blazing sun, but that didn’t matter when, after seeing them perform, all the kids came down from the stage and took our students with them onto the stage where they were coaxed into participating.  It was fantastic!  Then it was time to gather in the upper floor of the school for an informal salsa lesson with the entire group.  Some of us are still sore from it J

Back at the hotel, we listened and watched an amazing flamenco band and dancers.  A beautiful and energetic way to cap off the night!

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